Aug. 14 Sat. 5 pm Club Meeting at “Jazzy at the Glover”,

6 pm Dinner and discussion and planning for 2022 BVI trip including

slide presentation on sailing in the BVI’s

Sep. 11 Sat. 4 pm* Club Meeting

5 pm Dock Walk social and dock food, hosted by Sherry Wall

In honor of 9/11, decorate with patriotic theme.

Oct. 9 Sat. Autumn Challenge, Halloween Party

4 pm Club Meeting

5 pm Social Hour (wine tasting party)

6 pm Halloween Party, hosted by Angie and Lalan Kirby

Oct. 16 Sat. 1 pm Meet at Guntersville Docks and walk to Brick for lunch.

Nov. 13 Sat. 6 pm Annual Dinner Meeting and Awards– Gunter’s Landing

Hosted by Jean and John Streatfeild.

Dec. 11 Sat. 4 pm Club Meeting

5 pm Social hour

6 pm Holiday Party and Dirty Santa – turkey and ham provided by

Club. Members bring side dishes, appetizers and desserts.

Hosted by Trish and George Brown.